


The Regional Development Planning Agency of West Kalimantan Province in collaboration with the Tanjungpura University Urban and Regional Planning Study Program and the Urban and Regional Planning Student Association carried out the Bappeda Goes to Campus 2024 activity. The agenda was a Public Lecture in commemoration of Earth Day which was held in room D.21 Faculty of Engineering, Tanjungpura University on April 24, 2024.

The event was attended by the Head of West Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Dra. Mahmudah, MM, accompanied by Kabid. Fispra and Resources Planning, Kabid. Economic Planning, and Planners within the West Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda. The event was opened by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ir. Yopa Eka Prawatya, ST, M.Eng. 

In his speech, the Head of West Kalimantan Bappeda Dra. Mahmudah, MM reminded all participants to care about saving the Earth. Furthermore, Dr. Ir. Yopa Eka Prawatya, ST, M.Eng as the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of FT Untan welcomed the program implemented by BAPPEDA.

Public Lecture speakers in this Earth Day commemoration include Fajar Supriadi, S.Si. Mc.Dev discussed the West Kalimantan RPJPD 2025-2045, then Supriani, ST, M.Si discussed the West Kalimantan SDGs Evaluation), the next presentation discussed the Disaster Management Policy by Sunanto, S. Hut, M.Si, and the last presentation by Budi Lestiono Sanjaya, SP, MT, M.Sc discussed the Green Economy Policy. The moderator in guiding this activity is Chairunnisa, ST, MT as a Tanjungpura University PWK Lecturer. Thursday (04/25/2024).