
Urban and Regional Planning Students Conduct Field Study at Kalbar Mineral Center


PWK Batch 2023 students visited the Kalbar Mineral Center (KMC) under the teaching of the lecturer teaching the Environmental Geography course, namely Dr. Erni Yuniarti, S.T., M.Si to explore knowledge about mineral rocks which include types of rocks, related tools and navigation and geology. Then this field study is also a crucial component in the curriculum of the Regional and Urban Planning (PWK) Study Program. 

This visit was carried out on March 5, 2024 from 08.00-12.00 WIB. The activities carried out were analyzing mineral rocks in the West Kalimantan Mineral Center and learning how to use GPS Track and compass tools provided by expert presenters in this field. The method used starts from delivering material verbally followed by a question and answer session, then making direct observations.

Through this activity, students get the opportunity to apply the theories they have learned in class to a real-world context, connecting academic concepts with real field situations. Field studies also encourage collaboration and teamwork, as students usually work in groups to complete the assigned tasks.

Kalbar Mineral Center is a forum for students, students, and the general public to find out more about earth science, especially geology and mining. KMC was formed based on a work agreement between IAGI Pengda Kalbar and PERHAPI Representative of West Kalimantan Province. KMC provides education related to rocks, tools and machinery related to mining, geology and navigation and provides detailed explanations even from the process of formation and how to obtain rocks that can be used in infrastructure construction needs. 

In the aspect of urban planning, an understanding of mineral rocks can provide various information such as the presence and availability of mineral resources such as coal, sand, and limestone that can help in planning infrastructure and industrial development, geotechnical properties of mineral rocks such as strength, erosion resistance, and water absorption ability that have a direct impact on the construction planning of buildings, roads, and infrastructure, as well as knowledge of rock types and the possibility of related natural disasters and can help in identifying vulnerable areas and designing effective mitigation strategies, so that development planning can be carried out more effectively and sustainably. Activities run efficiently and effectively for Urban and Regional Planning Students Batch 2023.

The impression of the message conveyed by the 2023 Batch of Urban and Regional Planning Students:

“Visiting KMC provides a good experience and interesting learning because in addition to the material we can also see directly into the field about the material provided, exciting! And hopefully KMC can work together again with the PWK UNTAN study program for future field trips ” - NN