Urban and Regional Planning Students Conduct Field Study at Pontianak Kapuas Square Park
PWK Batch 2022 and 2023 students visited Kapuas Pontianak Square Park under the teaching of lecturer Dr. Ars. Ely Nurhidayati, S.T., M.T. as the lecturer of Urban Design course for batch 2022 and lecturer of Location Analysis and Spatial Pattern course for batch 2023.
Pontianak Kapuas Square Park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city. Its strategic location on the banks of the Kapuas River makes this area very potential for further development, both as a center of economic activity and as a tourist area.
The activity was conducted on May 27-28, 2024. The activity was carried out by conducting a direct survey to the field and making observations and identifying the potential and challenges of existing areas for spatial patterns and building layouts for urban design in the Pontianak Kapuas Square Park area, as well as formulating strategic recommendations to optimize the development of this area in a sustainable manner.
The purpose of the class of 2022 conducting the visit was to provide a comprehensive overview of the building system, especially the cultural heritage buildings around Pontianak Kapuas Square Park. The designated buildings are Bank Indonesia, BAPPEDA Office, Old Post Office, Mayor's Office and Pontianak State Elementary School 14.
The purpose of the class of 2023 conducting the visit was to provide a comprehensive overview of the spatial pattern of the area around Pontianak Kapuas Square Park, both land and river routes. The designated areas, namely Trade and service areas; Government and Education areas; Residential areas; Port and Pier areas; as well as Green Open Space and Public Open Space areas in the Pontianak Kapuas Square Park area.
Thank you to PWK students class of 2022 and class of 2023 who have participated in activities that are fun, conducive and efficient. The relationship between generations remains well established and this activity is very effective for sharing knowledge for all students who take part in field studies.